Wednesday, July 31, 2019

International management and change Essay

When Pascal made this statement, globalization had yet to take place. People lived in different societies remaining cut-off from each other. Each society had its own perception of truth and reality. Then came along the advancement in technology bringing along inventions such as computer, internet and telecommunications making the world a global village. Perceptions started changing as information flow across the globe happened at the speed of light. People from all across the globe started sharing their experiences with each other thus reducing the differences in various cultures. However, the act of globalization has yet to reach its peak. Cultural differences still exist within different societies and the level of information and technology is still heterogeneous around the globe. I would now highlight some distinguishing features of the management styles of various regions. We observe that the beliefs and values of people vary across various cultures. The Japanese work as a group and organizational system is based on community work. The reward system is based on the level of seniority and is also group based. The organizational structure is cooperation based whereas American organizations often are based on competitive style where individuals are rewarded based on their performance levels. Similarly the management style of French is also very different from that of US. French follow a more creative thinking pattern and do not like to adhere to strict rules and regulations. The European management style has some key points that distinguish it from the American management style. The European management style even differs within the European countries and two countries deserve a special focus — France and Germany — because, among other reasons, the bureaucrats in those countries have long been regarded as â€Å"mandarins† by the field of public administration (Dogan 1976). European management style can be classified into different clusters based upon Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s cultural variables (Goliath, 2004) according to which European management style can be sub-divided into: Anglo-Saxon culture (Ireland, UK, and USA), Nordic culture (Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland), Germanic culture (Austria, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland), Frankophile culture (France, Greece, Portugal, and Spain) and Italian culture. These cultures also differ greatly from the US and Japanese styles of management thus requiring different management practices. The pay for performance system can work with the European management style as employees in Europe are mostly achievement oriented and perform good work for better rewards. The cultural beliefs and values of Europeans are pretty much different from the people of US and hence the marketing techniques used in Europe should be different from those applied in US. For example, Europeans are very much reluctant to providing personal information as compared to US customers; also the credit card usage in Europe is considerably lower than in US (Heilbrunn, 1998). The introduction of new logo and implementation of matrix structure allowing a flatter organizational structure can work relatively better in the European business environment The company operations in South America demand a completely different approach as Latin American culture significantly differs from US culture in terms of communication process. The US culture emphasizes on completion of task and sentences are interpreted in their direct meaning. However Latin American society focuses on relationships and context of the communication may involve more than just the spoken words (Wederspahn, 2001). So the marketing and sales efforts in South American cannot be standardized with the US practices since the Latin American customers tend to perceive communication messages in a very different way from their US counterparts. The new logo can be introduced, however introduction of a flatter organization with matrix structure may not be feasible in South America as the type of culture prevalent in this society is not conducive to the working of non-hierarchical organizations. If we study the culture of Middle Eastern countries, it is found that the business practices again differ significantly from those of US. The business is mostly chaotic and based upon word of mouth rather than written agreements, the cultural values are mostly Islamic and respect for relationships is held supreme; also the marketing regulations in Middle Eastern countries are very strict as compared to US or rest of the world (Kwintessential Ltd). The middle eastern management style is mostly authoritarian and based upon Douglas McGregor’s Theory X motivational leadership style (Daniel Workman , 2008). Thus employees have little or no motivation to work on their own and will perform only when directed by the superiors. Thus bright managers from US and other Western states often try to avoid working in Middle East and so they must first be provided proper cultural training in authoritative styles thus enabling them to adapt to the management practices of the Middle East. The Australian business is more similar to that of US as compared to the rest of regions as described above. The language and dress code is pretty much similar. However, Australian society is strictly based upon egalitarian principle where nobody like being bossed around. People don’t like to consider others as superiors and there is almost no hierarchical system (Slideshare, 2009). So authoritarian style of management will not be welcomed in the Australian business. The meeting and negotiation styles as well as the general beliefs of the Australian society are pretty close to the American beliefs. However according to a study on behavior of 35,000 managers from Australia and New Zealand, the Australian managers consistently try to avoid responsibilities and do not take initiatives (Gettler, 2002). Thus FES should provide cultural and leadership training to Australian manager before implementing any kind of central strategy. Discrimination issues also prevail in Australia that can make life for foreign managers very difficult. However, recently steps have been taken to strongly implement anti-discrimination laws. The roles of front line managers are also changing in Australia as they are provided more and more freedom and responsibility (James Saville, & Mark Higgins, 1994). The sales and marketing strategy in Australia can be aligned with the US strategies relatively easily because of the similarity in both societies. So the dilemma of FES is choosing between centralized and decentralized approach. Centralization can be defined as, â€Å"the degree to which decision-making authority is kept at top levels of management. † while Decentralization can be defined as, â€Å"the degree to which decision making authority is pushed down to lower levels of the firm† (Schilling 2008). Both approaches have their own pros and cons. FES has seen tremendous growth over the years and has been expanding into new regions at a very quick rate. Thus the organization requires a large amount of flexibility in its decision making that can be provided by a decentralized approach. However, due to rapid expansion, the organization requires tighter control of finances and close monitoring of all its operations to reduce costs and maintain quality. These measures can be achieved through a more centralized approach. So what approach suits FES bests can be determined by a cost benefit analysis where each advantage and disadvantage of delegation authority has to be carefully analyzed in light of the company objectives. Thus aligning the decision making process with the vision of the organization. A centralized approach can benefit the organization by significantly reducing the administrative cost related to employee management. Infrastructure handling will also be more efficient and it will be easier for the headquarter to align organizational goals with the functional and departmental goals ( Dezaree Seeds, & Alan S. Khade , 2008). Centralized approach will also make reporting procedure simple resulting in standardized organizational policies. Thus in this way it will further help the organizational objective of flattening the organizational structure and in creation of a matrix organizational setup. A decentralized approach on the other hand can benefit the organization by providing flexibility and empowering employees at the divisional and functional level. As explained above, different regions in which FES is operating have different working environments and the condition of energy industry in Europe, Australia, Middle East, US and South East Asian regions are very different from each other. Thus decentralization of HR and marketing policies will allow the organization to cater to the customer needs in the ways most suited to specific regions. It will also allow greater local control and the ability to act quickly to gain local resources ( Dezaree Seeds, & Alan S. Khade , 2008). Decentralization will also allow the organization to better deal with the cultural diversity and provide training to the employees as and when the need arises. â€Å"One thing that business, institutions, governments and key individuals will have to realize is spiders and starfish may look alike, but starfish have a miraculous quality to them. Cut off the leg of a spider, and you have a seven-legged creature on your hands; cut off its head and you have a dead spider. But cut off the arm of a starfish and it will grow a new one. Not only that, but the severed arm can grow an entirely new body. Starfish can achieve this feat because, unlike spiders, they are decentralized; every major organ is replicated across each arm† (Beckstrom and Brafman 2008). The type of approach taken by FES depends upon the nature and present condition of the global energy industry. The energy industry around the world is in a continuous state of flux. As more and more energy companies around the world become private and become free from the control of state, the nature of competition is changing (ExxonMobil, 2004). Demand for power is increasing at an exponential rate and the competition from private as well as government owned companies is fierce. In the power generation sector, each country has established different laws and tariff rates for multinational organizations. Thus on a whole it seems wiser to maintain a decentralized organizational setup which is flexible enough to quickly respond to the changing conditions of the industry. FES should maintain its present functional structure by keeping the finance, production and HR departments centralized. However using the same marketing and sales techniques all across the globe has a lot of negative implications. Thus allowing the regional marketing departments to work according to their specific environment is the best possible option. So in order to maintain decentralization in the marketing and sales department, the top management has to establish strong ties with all of its regional departments. A strong organizational culture based upon a clear vision and mission of the company should be communicated to all of its employees. Perhaps FES can create a hybrid model which allows centralization of decision making with respect to financial and important managerial decisions and at the same time, the marketing campaign is allowed flexibility according to the specific needs of the region. A key concern for FES is to harmonize its rapid global growth. Power and gas generation has to be taken in new countries and new plants need to be setup. The international operations have expanded a lot and efforts must be made to consolidate the existing business while growing in new regions of the world. As part of the consolidation effort FES must conduct extensive employee training program instilling in each employee the vision and objective of the organization. The company should consolidate its major decision making power in the Headquarter thereby allowing Headquarter to maintain a close monitory system on all of its subsidiaries. By centralizing its finance and management activities, the company can also approve marketing budgets for different regions from its Headquarter, thus building coherence in the finance and marketing goals. However the marketing and sales strategies for each region should be decentralized thus instilling greater flexibility and freedom among marketing departments to cater to their local markets. The pay for performance system can work smoothly in few of the regions but as explained earlier, some regions such as Middle East and some parts of South East Asian cultures demonstrate a more hierarchical structure and it will be extremely difficult to introduce pay for performance system in these regions. Also the parameters should be clearly defined before introducing the pay for performance system in different regions. Because same results usually do not show same amount of performance in different regions. What kind of performance and what kind of pay should be decided and communicated to all regional offices. The parameters for monitoring performance should be based upon different standards for different regions. Similarly some of the major HR policies should be centralized but mostly HR of each region should be independent in choosing the who, what, when and where about its employees. For example, Middle Eastern region is very warm in summers as compared to the European region and the work habits and optimum level of work during different seasons is different for both these regions. Thus separate working policies should be established for each of the region. The R&D department should remain centralized at the American Head Office. As a centralized R&D approach is more beneficial for a company like FES which has not expanded business into a variety of categories (AB, 2001). However taking technological inputs from all across the globe may help the R&D department in improving its efficiency and effectiveness. Thus technological integration should be built where all global units of FES are directly integrated with its Head Office and the information flow between Head Office and different regions should be quick and efficient. The production department should carry out its role from the center, managing the manufacturing process across the globe from the Head Office. So it can be seen that different aspects of FES operations require different level of centralization and decentralization. Also different regions require different level of authority delegation based upon their internal environment and national cultures. It is relatively easier to introduce standard policies in Europe and Australia as both of these cultures are very similar to that of US. However, standardizing procedures across Middle East and South America is not a feasible option. The regional business units should remain decentralized as there should be some form of flexibility to make the decision making process quicker. The regional heads should be sent directly from the Head Office, however if some regions in Middle East are not being managed effectively by American managers, then leadership services of local managers should be availed after providing them extensive cultural training programs at the Head Office. The regional units should be linked to the Head Office through the fastest technology available so that there is no or little information gap between the center and regional units. Thus in light of the cultural differences prevailing in various regions of the world, the best suited approach should be to take a hybrid approach while showing some restrain in application of a centralized approach and making some variations in the standards for implementation in different regions. The integration of overall business can be achieved by proper use of technology and defining proper hierarchical system for flow of information between Head Office and various regional units.

Personal Healthy Living Plan Essay

1. Physical a. I will develop a workout schedule for me to do throughout the summer time and for the rest of my time here in college. b. There are so many reasons to exercise regularly (better health, weight loss, feeling happier all around), and so many reasons to just, well, not (happy hour, errand-filled days, vacations). If the latter reasons are getting the best of you, here are four simple ways to stick to a workout routine. c. My state of change would be preparation. d. I will be doing this scheduling within the next few weeks or month. I will start by writing out the schedule and do specific workouts each day to target different parts of my body. In doing so, I will also write out stretching and cool down workouts as well to balance out the work intake. e. Some barriers that I might face are feeling lazy, in taking the wrong foods which will lead me to not wanting to work out and negativity from people around me. They way that I will overcome these barriers is to avoid having the feeling of laziness, not in taking the wrong types of food and to not listen to any negativity that comes out of others around me. f. The way I will commit this plan is by thinking of the end result; having the satisfaction of being in control of my body and proving people’s negativity wrong. 2. Spiritual a. My goal for spirituality will be to starting going back to church and participating in meditations. b. The benefits of meditation are manifold because it can reverse your stress response, thereby shielding you from the effects of chronic stress. When practicing meditation, your heart rate and breathing slow down, your blood pressure normalizes, you use oxygen more efficiently, and you sweat less. c. My state of change would be preparation. d. I will do meditations at least three times a week or when needed to relieve stress. I will start going back to church when I go back home on Sunday and this will continue for the rest of my time there and when I come back to school. e. Some barriers that I might face are not having the time to fit meditation in when I have a busy work schedule and being unable to go to church if I work on Sundays. Ways that I can counter these barriers are rescheduling my work hours around the time me and my family would be going to church and putting aside time for meditation to relieve all the stress from work and school. f. The way that I will commit to this plan is by thinking of how less stress I will be if I did meditation and by going to church with my family will help create a strong bond between us that we haven’t had in quite a long while. 3. Social a. My goal is to create a strong friendship with those who I care for the most; my friends and my family. b. You’re shy or lack confidence, talking to people can be very stressful. That’s why it’s a good idea to work to improve your social skills. Once you feel comfortable interacting with people in a social setting, you’ll see the benefits immediately. You’ll meet new friends, you’ll be exposed to new experiences, and you’ll feel 100 percent better about yourself. Here are some simple steps to help you feel comfortable in public. c. My state of change would be action. d. I expect that I will start be more social with my friends now that school is about to finish. I also intend to be social with my immediate family; spending more time with them, talking and visiting them now that I will be staying home. e. Some barriers that I might face are being unable to hang out with friends because of my busy schedule or because their busy schedule and being unable to visit my family because I have no transportation to get there. How I will overcome these barriers will be to make time for them and put aside things that are unnecessary to do. I’ll do the same for seeing and making time for my family. f. The way I will stay committed to this plan is imagining how happy my family members will seem when they see me after not seeing each other for about two years or so and the same with my friends. 4. Intellectual a. My goal is to studying hard for my finals that are soon to be arriving and do a time management chart to organize all my studying time. b. Developing time management skills is a journey that may begin with this Guide, but needs practice and other guidance along the way. One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time as one resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies in the context of competing activities of friends, work, family, etc. c. My state of change would be termination. d. I will set specific times to study and organize my work according to the date of the final. Making sure I put the important things to get them done and out of the way for the next study session. e. Some barriers that I might face while doing this would be not getting enough sleep at night because I want to get everything done right away, not being able to retain all the information that I just took in and neglecting to eat. How I will overcome these barriers will be to get sleep to help me retain the information and make time to eat so I get my nutrients that I need to keep going. f. The way I will stay committed is the gratitude of being done and satisfaction of passing all my classes with good grades. 5. Emotional a. My goal to relieve my build-up emotions will be through dancing. b. People can avoid these common emotional traps and improve your emotional health, attitudes, and self-esteem. One method of shifting emotion is called the BARES model. c. My state of change would be action. d. Instead of keeping my emotions to myself, I will relieve them through dancing in my room or by going to a dance party. e. Some barriers that I may face will be not wanting to dance or not wanting to talk to anyone about all the emotions that I have inside. Some ways that I can overcome these barriers is to pick good music to dance to or have my boyfriend be my dancing partner and create a strong bond as well as relieving stress and emotions build-up. f. The way I will stay committed to the plan is knowing that with expressing my emotions, I will become a better person and be less stress especially with finals ahead. 6. Environmental a. My goal is to take less time taking a shower than taking a longer one. b. Your morning or evening shower is very easily the most relaxing part of your entire day. Sometimes it just feels so good to close your eyes and stand under the rain-like flow of your showerhead. The only problem is, sometimes our most relaxing showers are also the ones that waste the most water (and therefore waste the most energy, too),-One-Shorter-Shower-at-a-Time!—Follow-These-Shower-Efficiency-Tips&id=199375 c. My state of change would be action. d. Starting now, taking less time in the shower would be beneficial to the environment because I will be wasting less water and less energy to keep the lights on when showering. e. Some barriers that I can face will be to having the feeling of not wanting to shorten my showers because they feel good to me and because the water feels good when taking it after a sports game or work out. Some ways to overcome these barriers are to tell myself that I will be helping the environment and saving energy. f. The way I will stay committed to this plan is knowing that I’m helping out the world instead of myself.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Establish the genre and themes of the film Essay

How does the opening sequence of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† try to capture audience interest and establish the genre and themes of the film? â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† has a very effective opening sequence, the first four minutes set the story of the movie, giving you an idea of what’s to come. â€Å"Romeo & Juliet† is believed to have been written around 1595 by William Shakespeare. The story is about a pair of star-crossed lovers. Two teenagers pursue their love for each other despite the fact that their families have been at odds with each other for decades. It is directed by Baz Lurhman who immediately captures the audience’s attention whilst establishing the film’s genre and themes using different methods. Baz Lurhman uses lighting and colour to capture the audience’s interest. â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† starts with a black background and a Television coming closer to the camera with a newsreader. The black focuses the audience’s attention onto the newsreader and what she’s saying. Colour symbolism plays a key part in this film and is already demonstrated by the newsreader. The reporter wears red perhaps signaling love, danger and passion. Behind the newsreader is a sky blue screen, giving a feeling of coldness. Also Capulet and Montague are associated with red and blue. Colour symbolism is also demonstrated a lot in the opening sequence with grey, white, black, blue and red being the most common colours used. The colours grey, white and black are used in the clips of the newspapers with the black and white perhaps used as a contrast showing good versus evil or opposing sides. The grey can be interpreted as the families merging as white mixing with black makes grey or showing that the battles between the families isn’t as straight forward as it may seem. Another frequently used colour is red, the cross between Romeo and Juliet’s name is red maybe indicating that there is blood shed, tragedy and passion between them. Romeo and Juliet’s names are white on a dark background, which in a way could be emphasizing their innocence in a dark corrupting world. The different family names (Capulet and Montague) are coloured as red and blue. Different lighting techniques are used alternate between day and nighttime adding dramatic effects to the beginning, in the daylight the consequences of the feud can be seen e. g. people fighting, with guns etc. Strobe lighting is used to create the effects of police lights on the family’s faces of Romeo and Juliet, which is extremely effective and realistic reflecting modern day life. The next tactic used by Baz Lurhman to attract the audience’s attention is sound. The sounds helps set the atmosphere especially the music which keeps up with the images displayed on screen, the more dramatic the shots the more dramatic the music. For example when violent pictures are being shown the music becomes louder and faster. The music is exceptionally effective as the change of pace/dynamics in the music engages the audience’s attention. The sounds used are both diagetic and non-diagetic, the voiceover and music is diagetic and the helicopter, newsreader are non-diagetic which adds to the realism of the opening sequence. The voiceover featured in â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† is very realistic, serious and atmospheric. The man reads out a phrase from â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† summing up the story of the film, the extract is portrayed in three ways in the form of dialogue and writing. The repetition of the prologue may be for emphasis, the director would have seen this as an important extract for the audience so portrayed it in different ways as, different things appeal to different people. Another important part of sound is when the imagery of the guns are shown a choir boy sings a high note which could be interpreted as a scream, perhaps subtlety implying the hurt that has been caused by the feud. In the opening scene Baz Lurhman sets a lot of narrative clues and themes by showing different clips. A theme of violence is apparent with a lot of imagery of guns and police. In a way Baz Lurhman may have been trying to reflect modern day American society with guns being a common object on the streets as the film is also set in modern day New York. Another clear theme is religion; the film is Christian based (catholic), this is apparent by the statues of Mary and Jesus placed between the two families, the cross between the name’s of Romeo and Juliet as well as the person shown in the clips wearing a veil. It is noticeable that there is rivalry between the two families, both businesses on the opposite sides of the street and that there is a war/conflict going on not just involving the family indicating that both families have power and authority as they have influenced people to take their sides. Editing is an essential part of the opening sequence to attract the audience’s attention. The director Baz Lurhman edits the opening shots of the movie so the audience are introduced to the plot and characters (apart from Romeo and Juliet) before the film even begins. Jump shots are used at a very fast pace to reflect the speed of events in the play. There are variable scene lengths used to focus the audiences attention e. g. some scenes are long like when introducing characters compared to the shorter scenes when fast clips are shown of violence. Shots are interchanged very quickly e. g. shots of the statues which are then relegated to the background in a way the director is setting themes in context for the audience. Scenes of pure text and visuals are also used to reinforce messages through different perspectives e. g. dialogue, newspaper or action etc. as different people take in information in different ways. In a way it is the directors way of getting people to keep up with what is happening in the film. Baz Lurhman also uses mis-en-scene to help capture the audience’s attention and establish genres and themes of the film. Shots are often straight and centered to emphasise things clearly e. g. the statue of Jesus in closed into but is shown dwarfed by skyscrapers maybe showing a theme of religion versus business. This is a trend throughout the opening scene helping to classify major themes in the film such as police versus crime and Capulets versus Montagues. The use of news and media in the starting scene highlights how big a scale the feud has. The news and media are used to set the scene and to tell the audience what has happened so far in the film. Newspaper headlines are thrown into view of the camera with text from the original play, this may interest people in different ways gaining attention from them. Another tactic used with the media to gain the audience’s attention is right at the start of the film. The newsreader’s voice begins minimalist and muted but getting louder to focus the audience on language. Whenever text is used in the beginning it is always put in it’s own frame to emphasise importance. Frames of later scenes in the film, which are violent and disturbing, are juxtaposed with shots of e. g. a choirboy in a church singing maybe signifying that innocence is evil, corruption and danger. The majority of shots are filmed at night perhaps Baz Lurhman was being symbolic emphasizing darkness. Fireworks are also caught in one frame symbolizing passion, fury and anger in the plot. When the director is introducing the characters, there is one freeze frame for each character all in time with the music to focus the audience’s attention. Introducing each of the characters and unwinding their lives in the opening scene is helpful to gain the audience’s attention and to keep them interested. The audience is given clues to the current family situation e. g. the skyscrapers at opposite ends of the street with the family names written on them- â€Å"Capulet and Montague† hinting at opposing sides. Also when the voice over is talking about â€Å"two foes† the images of the parents come across the screen. It is shown in the newspapers that the two families are the centre of media attention, leading the audience to understand what extraordinary and special lives they must live. It is also interesting the way Romeo and Juliet are portrayed in the newspaper picture, it is the only real time that you see them properly in the opening scene and they are shown as children. This may be a tactic used by Baz Lurhman to emphasise to the audience how innocent and victimized Romeo and Juliet both are. The only other real time you see Romeo in the opening scene is him hiding and shying away from the outside world, again emphasizing him as a victim of his families feud. The parents of Romeo and Juliet when introduced, all seem to be in the middle of the action yet not included perhaps indicating that the feud has got so out of hand not even the Capulets or Montagues can control the situation. When all the characters are introduced they all seem very solemn and not portraying any emotion. But this isn’t the case for Dave Paris. When he is introduced he is happy, well dressed and purposely made different by Baz Lurhman to make him stand out to look like the hero of the film. Mercutio is also made different when introduced, he is a different race from everyone else indicating his uniqueness as he is showing true emotion at the same time. He is shown on a dry, isolated landscape demonstrating his distant from the involvement of the feud taking place in the city. Another key character in the introduction is the police officer; he is shown involved in the middle of the action, but is wearing a uniform signifying authority and discipline. There is also colour symbolism involved in the characters, Romeo’s mother has red hair, which may be an indication of her personality as people with red hair are said to be more passionate and quick tempered. This is also the case with clothing, the father’s of Romeo and Juliet show no emotion and are dressed normally, but with the mother’s of Romeo and Juliet although they show no emotion on their face but it is portrayed through their clothing. The mother’s clothing tends to be more flamboyant and colourful indicating to the audience distress. Baz Lurhman effectively captures the audience’s attention throughout the opening scene using all these different methods. At one point in the opening scene you are shown an aerial view of the city and I feel that this is an essential scene. After the aerial view of the city is shown a violent, busy, intimidating clip of modern street life within the city is shown demonstrating that the city is complex and dangerous. Even though â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† is four hundred years old, it still relates to modern society.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Memory from the past ,Going somewhere you have not been before Essay

Memory from the past ,Going somewhere you have not been before - Essay Example Moreover, I knew I had to part with some little package of money for my mum and other family members; not that they would ask for it but because the Nigerian culture accepts and embraces such acts. I had booked a flight a fortnight earlier, and the procedure was not going to be long. I therefore, hired a taxi to the airport hoping to travel the same night. To my expectation, the flight authorities never disappointed me. We left the airport in a span of an hour. Within another few hours, we were at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport. We walked home happily with my mum who had been waiting at the airport. The life at home was full of fantasy. I enjoyed my favorite traditional dishes that I had missed so much. In addition, I met most of my friends that I had studied with in the local primary school. Each day was the same as the other, full of happiness, laughter and domestic chores. However, I was only to spend two weeks there in order to catch up with Paralympics, my favorite game in the Olympics. I therefore, travelled back to London. I had never attended any Olympics ceremony before so you can imagine how appealing it was going to be to me. However, I developed an interest in the leading international sports event in the year 2004 when it was held in Athens, Greece. Now here was the London Olympics 2012. I was going to watch nothing else but Paralympics. My favorite participant has always been the Briton, David Weir, and I was going to witness his victory. The 33- year old, known to many as the "Weirwolf of London", must have trained himself to gallop so well. He ended up winning four gold medals in the wheelchair marathon. I watched the 5000 meters race, which was his last race in the participation. He dominated the better part of the race battling it out with Switzerland’s Marcel Hug. It was unbelievable how he easily won the race, clinching the gold medal. Weir when being interviewed

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organisational Development and change (Managment Psychology) Dissertation

Organisational Development and change (Managment Psychology) - Dissertation Example ndustry since September 2008. Pettigrew et al (2001) stated there are six interconnected analytical issues that should be kept in mind when studying change or development in an organisation. These issues are as follows: (a) Multiple levels of contexts and analysis (b) The inclusion of time, history process and action (c) The link between change processes and organisational performance and outcomes (d) Receptivity, customisation, pace, sequencing and episodic versus the continuous change process (e) Cross-cultural comparisons in research, and (f) The partnership between scholars and practitioners in studying change Keeping these six principles in mind, the changes that have taken place in the mobile phone industry since September 2008 are examined closely. The focus is on understanding the motivations and the reasoning behind these changes. September 2008 was chosen as the starting point because this was when a global recession had just set in that also affected the UK economy. This t herefore allows examining the impact of these external changes in the environment on the mobile phone companies and their impact on the strategy formation in these organisations. The organisations chosen for examination are Apple, Nokia, Samsung and HTC. One possible key source of information could be their annual reports, as this would detail changes in strategy that have taken place. It would also give an insight into the direct impact these changes have had on the organisations’ performance, and could help to identify the nature of the change processes, i.e. is the change episodic or continuous in nature? Another set of sources that could provide more insight are statements, letters and interviews from the leadership of these organisations. These could provide an insight into how the organisation perceives its own progress in contrast to its competitors and the future direction the organisation is striving to take. The perception of these changes in the press shall also be examined by looking at the relevant business resources. These changes in strategy formation shall be examined and the impact these changes have produced shall be explored by looking at the relevant sources mentioned in the methods section. It would be necessary to explore more the nature of the change, and the comments and interviews from the leadership of these organisations should provide a better understanding of the reasons and motivations behind their respective strategies. Method of study This will be an Internet resource based study only. It is therefore a non-participant contact study. The idea is to examine the organisations’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

End-to-End Hiring Initiative Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

End-to-End Hiring Initiative - Assignment Example With these types of unanswered questions to keep in mind, most organizations cannot really put a final closure to the duration of the hiring period. Because of the expectation that the right applicant has not been interviewed, the notice of a job opening is not yet closed. Another concern faced by the organization during this period is "how many managers are available to help out with this task?" The task of hiring is not included in the daily function of managers. They are normally busy with their daily workloads. A related question would be "how can the organization hire effectively under such circumstances?" To resolve such predicament, strategically integrating and re-engineering the five components established in the hiring process validate personnel selection procedures. The five components consist of; workforce planning, recruitment, hiring, security and suitability, and orientation. The entire process starts with the first component; workforce planning as its foundation. Work force planning, being a system process in identifying which individuals will be beneficial to the organization, these selected few can meet the establishment’s mission and goals. The second step procedurally moves on to recruitment, which is an on-going process. If job vacancies exist, this is where the hiring process becomes active. It can overlap into the next component, which is security and suitability where the candidate is assessed if his or her character, abilities, and behavior are in favor of the organization’s welfare. If the candidate for the job proves appropriate for the position, the organization’s responsibility is making sure the person is oriented to their rules and regulations.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Enviroment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Enviroment - Essay Example FDA failed to give apt evidence to stop BPA from being employed in the making of baby bottles. It claimed that it was unsafe and may cause harm to the surroundings and the wellbeing of kids. It is found that the research conducted was based on studies paid by the plastics industry. A recent report conducted showed that there was a link amid exposure to BPA and resistance to chemotherapy treatment. Environmental fallacies include formal and informal fallacies. Even though, ecological researches are significant to epidemiology particularly in environmental and societal epidemiology, community health practitioners appear to be scared of ecological researches. It is a frequent exercise to presume the involvement of ecological fallacy and low-ranked legitimacy when evaluating an ecological research. Majority of epidemiologists have a preference to a special peculiar approach, even though the significance of a multilevel fundamental advance is broadly acknowledged (Idrovo, 332). Scientific urging and opinions are succeeded or misled by the scientific mode. Either the data backs a point or fails to support it. From time to time, individuals fail to have data to sustain and back up their point of view will  intentionally make use of logical fallacies in an endeavour to encourage individuals that their argument is acceptable. Fallacies can also be by a chance used when an individual makes a blunder convincing rhetoric for a sound

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Psychology, types of Anger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Psychology, types of Anger - Research Paper Example Anger is a normal emotion undergone by every individual, without exception, at some, or the other stage of life; definitely many. And still, anger is one of the most poorly understood as an acceptable, negative but still, normal experience or a conscious feeling. Most researchers have used the term anger as synonymous with aggression, hostility etc (Martin and Watson, 1997); making a literature search inaccurate and difficult. Though its true that expression of anger may vary from imperceptible annoyance to destructive aggression depending on individual behavioural attributes to circumstantial demands. The first aspect of anger essential in understanding it, is to remember that anger in itself is not negative, but the mode of expression of anger can render it so. There are three specific attributes of anger: physiological (heightened secretion of stress hormone, followed by activation of senses), cognitive (thought process unidirectional and antagonistic), behavioural (expression of anger, which may be repressing, suppressing, expressing and confessing). The overall inclination projected by all these responses is to attack and/or injure the target (Berkowitz, 2002). An in depth understanding of anger is simplified by the categorisation of anger based on different criteria. The aim of this essay is to make a comprehensive study of the types of anger based on the available literature. A. ON THE BASIS OF FEELING: Pleasant or unpleasant. The two types of anger are not mutually exclusive but widely overlapping, with the actual expression involving a mixture of the two feelings in different proportions at different stages of anger. B. ON THE BASIS OF STATE OF MIND: Exciting and calm. The excited form of anger is characterized by more aggressiveness and passion and much less coordination of thought or action. However motor process is intense while mental activity is weakened. It is transient in contrast

Guanxi in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Guanxi in China - Essay Example Guanxi consists of definite reciprocal obligations, affirmations, and knowledge, which are the attributes that guide Chinese approaches towards durable businesses and social relationships. Guanxi can therefore be generally taken to mean social relationships or connections with the presumption of extended exchange of favors. This makes it more than a simple interpersonal relationship or friendship; this is especially due to the fact that there are complementary obligations to act towards any calls for support. Despite the fact that interpersonal relations are characteristic of every society, Guanxi is special given that it is broad and plays a central role in everyday life. The formation of Guanxi depends on the availability of a base; it can be formed from different kinds of bases such as relatives, friendship, kinship, schoolmates, workmates, relatives, family members, club members, and hobbies. For an individual in the Chinese society, affiliation with a particular base has an attr ibute of personal identification with others that are equally important to him or her. For example, a work experience is important to two people with workmate Guanxi, while an educational experience is important to two people with classmate or schoolmate Guanxi. From this, it is clear that Guanxi bases can either be social bases or blood bases. Social bases result from social interactions; they include Guanxi’s between classmates, schoolmates, workmates, friends, and club members, while blood bases result from blood relations; they include Guanxi’s between family members, relatives, kins among others. Blood or family Guanxi’s are perceived as the most important of all Guanxi’s, since in Chinese societies the family is viewed as the basic unit of society, and relationships from this base tend to be stronger. 2. Building a Guanxi As mentioned earlier, Guanxi’s are built upon family relations, friendship, kinship and other types of close relations in the society. There are a number of principles that guide the establishment, implementation and maintenance of a Guanzi. These include transferable, reciprocal, intangible, utilitarian, contextual, long-term oriented and personal. The approaches employed in building Guanzi’s are also several; they include exchanging favors, giving gifts, socialization, recommendations or intermediary referrals, club membership, entertainment, government support, corporate credibility, and social reputation. From the information discussed, it is important to note that trust is a central attribute surrounding the formation, implementation, and maintenance of a Guanzi. For the formation of a Giuanizi, there is need for a social interconnection or a blood relationship among individuals. Recommendations or intermediary referrals are important in building linkages between individuals with no intimate commonality. The intermediary is often a person known to both individuals and it is through him or h er that they get to know each other better, and build a relationship base on trust that culminates into a Guanxi. Common links are the easiest way that people use to get into a Guanzi. This is mainly because people with similar characteristics are more attracted to each other, understand each other, and have empathy towards each other. In order to build a Guanxi, there is need for an individual to stay in contact with colleagues in his circle by visiting them, exchanging gifts with them, and through greetings. Through this, contacts are built; however, uncertainties and mistrust may still exist and therefore the second step should involve earning trust. There are many ways of earning trust; however, the best way is through helping when a person is going through a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and contrast critically the views of distributive justice Essay

Compare and contrast critically the views of distributive justice presented by Rawls and by Nozick. Which is the more convincing account - Essay Example This section will attempt to highlight some of the different perspectives touching on distributive justice with regard to the two philosophers’ account of understanding. In the various perspectives, there are different positions held by the two philosophers either in the affirmative or opposition. According to Rawls, Justice for the individual tends to be overlooked for the general well being of the society. This position of understanding distributive justice therefore usually generates an egalitarian approach. Based on equitable grounds, a decision concerning separate individuals has to weigh available options on the utility that each of the actions would bring to the society. Utilitarianism guides the principle of distributive justice where the overall good for the society determines the worth of pursuing a particular course of action. Robert Nozick postulates the â€Å"original position† where all parties stand to benefit in a social decision making platform (Hendin, 2010). Inequalities are weeded out by distributing them among the society members so as to avoid some disadvantage on some while others benefit (difference principle). Nozick’s position is however a contestation and opposition of Rawls view under the two situations; difference principle and original position. In order for these provisions to hold true, ignorance must guide the society. Nozick argues that arbitrary scenarios guide the direction of the social decisions regarding distinction of persons based on their resource endowment if Rawls’ observations are true (Leif, 2008). Nozick instead argues that some form of sacrifice is involved where people willingly opt to dedicate their rights for the general good of the society. Different individuals make up the society and their rights are as well distinct from each other’s. In order for the rest to benefit from one individual, the person must be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fair trade- how good is fair trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fair trade- how good is fair trade - Essay Example only do they feel penalised for having saved, they also pay a premium for being capable of meeting their own costs, and allow local authorities to carry on paying less than the full cost! Looking for a care home is not easy. People are often doing so under time pressures and in the wake of huge emotional upset. So they need as much information as possible, not least about how much it will cost. The report recommends setting up a one-stop shop specialising in care home information, and this, along with the recommendation that regulations should be amended to make clearer price information a requirement on homes, could make a big difference for many vulnerable people. Those who are meeting their own fees will then see that the home they are considering charges self-funders more than those who are placed by local authorities. And families searching for a home for someone who qualifies for local authority support will also be able to see that there are few - if any - homes in the locality that are prepared to take publicly-funded residents without recourse to the family 'topping-up'. The need for a 'third party top-up' often means that the price the local authority has se t is insufficient to enable the home to operate. So this move towards greater transparency will go some way towards creating 'fair trade in care' and may, for some homes, make the difference between carrying on in business or closing, making existing residents homeless and reducing choices available to future generations. I am optimistic about the scope for change and improvement. But I should not get too carried away, as there is evidence that a very large number of people have either no contract, or one containing unfair terms. And this is despite an earlier study (OFT 1998) identifying contractual...Every one of us has probably seen reports or heard something about demonstrations against globalisation when international organizations like the WTO meet. One example was the G8 meeting in July 2001. So we have to ask us the question why there are some people who protest against globalisation and also against the free trade the WTO stands for. The main complain and concern of these groups is unfairness. They say free trade is unfair, the low wages are unfair, the poor working conditions of foreign workers, the environmental standards in less developed countries, the high profits of multinational corporations, the inequality in incomes around the world, everything is unfair. If these reproofs are true i t would mean that also free trade and globalisation is unfair. However the people of international institutions and multinational corporations who are in favour of free trade and globalisation also use the term fairness in their arguments. If a multinational company pays low wages in less developed countries, they can claim that the wages are still fair set because they are above the legal minimum wage standards and that the workers would not get a better opportunity in a company of their country or their government. The WTO and other international organisations consider free trade even as help because it will promote economic growth, which in turn will raise the living standards throughout the whole world and reduce also the income inequality in the future.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Filipinos Forgiving Nature Essay Example for Free

Filipinos Forgiving Nature Essay Why many Filipino people are forgiving? Giving offenders a â€Å"second chance† rather than punishing them is inherently Filipino. Let’s take for example the apology offered by the Magdalo mutineers which comes as no surprise in light of the Filipinos forgiving nature. Despite the very good laws we have here in the Philippines, we don’t think settlement of it will still be possible. We rarely condemn people, we just require them to change their ways. Ms. Arroyo’s granting of amnesty towards the Magdalo mutineers is just one of the issues that shows Filipinos tend to forgvive. We are not very legalistic except on impersonal matters, such as cases involving money or disputes between big corporations that don’t have a human face. For example, everyone agrees that we should go after tax evasion. Under the Filipino concept of justice, what is prescribed by law is not necessarily just. We tend to forgive easily when we find something valid in the reasons behind the offense. That’s why we have the phrase ‘nadadaan sa magandang usapan’. The way we are raised by our families could affect the way we understand and look into the contexts of one’s behavior. For example, rather than be rigid over rights or claims, step siblings generally do not regard with spite but look after each other’s welfare even when one is illegitimate. And of course, the prodigal child is always given a second chance. No wonder why there are many unresolved cases in the Philippines. Some were given pardon by the government like the case of the former president Ejercito Estrada. Could it be the government’s way to come clean in the eyes of other countries in promoting the tourism industry? To front them that it’s easy to settle agreements here would attract many investors in the country. We‘ll, if that’s the case, many might really take advantage on the situation. And this would just prove that we don’t have rigid implementation of the very good laws here in the Philippines. This is also the reason why some government officials seems relaxed and other foreign countries doesn’t give much importance on Filipinos welfare in their land and they just take it easy when it comes to Filipinos. Maybe because they know the fact that we don‘t experience justice even in our own land, and we are used to it. Pity to those who really experience that kind of treatment. Upon hearing this, I bursted to the cab driver saying ito hirap sating mga Pinoy e, kapag tayo nahuli sa ibang bansa ng drug trafficking death penalty, kapag sila nahuli natin wala pang isang linggo nakalaya na. Theres a big problem with our government or our Filipino blood we are too soft, too forgiving. This is one of the reasons why most of us have no pride and dignity when we are in another soil. I really want to thank Manny Pacquiao for giving the Filipinos some pride. How should other country value our laws when we Filipinos don’t put much attention to these and some just don‘t take it seriously? When we are in their country we are treated like rats but when they are in our country they are treated like kings. I dont know what‘s wrong. If a Filipino guy will enter a building in his own country the security guard will look for an ID with intense body search but if they will see that the guest is a foreigner, Filipinos will happily greet them without checking their bags not even thinking that they could be the terrorist that will kill them. I have nothing against to any foreigners but I got beef with my own blood. If this will continue, probably we will become slaves in our own country.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mary The Virgin Mother Religion Essay

Mary The Virgin Mother Religion Essay Mary was the virgin mother of our savior Jesus Christ. She was born in One night the angel Gabriel came to Mary while she was at her cousin Elizabeths house. The angel said to Mary Hail favored one! The Lord is with you. Mary was frightened at the appearance of the angel. The angel said Do not be scared, Mary, cause you have found favor with God. Mary, you will have a child given to you by the Holy Spirit, and you will name him Jesus. Mary did not understand because she had not had sexual relations with any man. Gabriel told Mary the child was given to you by the Holy Spirit, and therefore the child will be called Holy, the son of God. Also your cousin Elizabeth has conceived a baby in her late years, and this is her six month, for nothing is impossible with God. Mary said I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done according to your word (The Silent Scream). When Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel, she was betrothed to a carpenter from Bethlehem named Joseph. In Jerusalem, if you were pregnant before you were married and the baby didnt belong to the person the woman was betrothed to, the women was stoned to death by the village. Joseph and Mary were married after Joseph was assured by an angel in a dream that she conceived a child by the Holy Spirit (Delaney pg.390). When Mary was pregnant with Jesus, Joseph and her traveled to Bethlehem where Joseph was from, to register in their census that was ordered by King Herod. Mary traveled on a donkey to Bethlehem. When Mary and Joseph finally reached Bethlehem there were no rooms at any of the inns. But a manager at one of the inns told Mary and Joseph they could stay in his manager. So Mary and Joseph stayed in the manager where she had Jesus. Word traveled around that there would be a messiah from the highest of the high, and that he would come and rule his people, and save them from sin. King Herod feared that Jesus would be a rival to his throne (Delaney pg. 390). After King Herod died, they returned and settled back in Nazareth (Delaney pg. 390). The only thing that is known about Mary in the years she lived in Nazareth is Jesus presentation in the temple and one incident on a trip back from Jerusalem when Jesus was lost. Mary and Joseph found him in a temple talking with the doctors there about God (Delaney pgs. 390+ 391). Mary was a key figure in Jesus first miracle at The Wedding Feast of Cana. Mary and Jesus were invited to a wedding, and they ran out of wine. So Mary told Jesus to help, and then she left the kitchen and told the servants, do whatever he tells you. Jesus ordered the servants to fill six big canvases full of water and he turned the water into wine. One could say that Mary encouraged Jesus to perform his first miracle. Mary was present at Jesus death, Resurrection, Ascension as well as the days before Pentecost (Delaney pg. 391). At the crucifixion of Jesus, when Jesus was hanged on the cross, Mary was given into the arms of John the Apostle (Delaney pg. 391). According to tradition Mary went to Ephesus, where she died, but another tradition states that she lived in Jerusalem until her death, which is believed to have occurred in 48 A.D. (Delaney pg. 391).The belief that Marys body was assumed into heaven is one of the oldest traditions in the church (Delaney 391). Assumption means risen into heaven. The Assumption of Mary is celebrated on August 15 (Holiday Year). Mary was the second person of the Holy Trinity, and was free from original sin from the moment of her birth (Delaney pg. 391). Appearances of Mary have been reported in the last century and a half, at Lourdes, Fatima, and La Salette (Delaney pg.391). Other feast days for Mary are The Annunciation of the Lord on March 25, the Visitation on May 31, the Presentation of the Lord on February 2, Our Lady of Sorrows on September 15, Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7, the Queenship of Mary on August 22, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God on January 1, and the Immaculate Heart of Mar y on Saturday following the second Sunday of Pentecost (Delaney pg.391). Mary had the choice to say no, and not have Jesus, it was all done by choice. Mary knew what would become of her if people found out that the baby inside her was not Josephs. She knew she would be stoned to death by the village. Mary might have feared that Joseph would have not believed her but, somewhere in her heart she probably wished he did. Mary also knew what would become of Jesus her only son. To live and raise Jesus and know he would die probably killed her inside, but she accepted the call because thats what God asked of her. You could only imagine what it would be like to lose your son and just sit there seeing him suffer in so much pain and you not being able to do anything about it. I admire Mary for everything she did. Mary was never thinking of herself she was always thinking of us and God. In my opinion Mary is one of the most brave and amazing woman I have ever heard of, and she does deserve the title Mother of God. When we pray the Hail Mary we are praying to Mary telling her to tell Jesus to help us and to pray for us. Mary wants and helps us get closer to Jesus. She wants us to follow the right path and she wants us to be with her and Jesus and the saints in heaven. Delaney, John J. Dictionary of saints. Garden City: Doubleday Company, Inc., 1980.Print. Difiore, Kathy. The Blessed Virgin and Her Examples of Faith in God. The Silent Scream. Several Sources Shelters. April 2007.Web.20 November 2010. Mary, Saint Mary, Virgin Mary.Saint Mary. N.p n.d Web. 13 November 2010. Hoilday Year. Holiday Year. Holiday Year. N.p. n.d. 9 December 2010.

The Indian real estate sector

The Indian real estate sector The Indian real estate sector plays a significant role in the countrys economy. The real estate sector is second only to agriculture in terms of employment generation and contributes heavily towards the gross domestic product (GDP). Almost 5 per cent of the countrys GDP is contributed to by the housing sector. In the next five years, this contribution to the GDP is expected to rise to 6 per cent. According to Jones Lang LaSalle, faster economic growth in Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) could result in the property markets of those nations recovering at a faster rate than the UK and US real estate markets. It has also been suggested that Indias property sector could begin to improve from late 2009 and may attract up to US$ 12.11 billion in real estate investment over a five-year period. Almost 80 per cent of real estate developed in India is residential space. According to the Tenth Five Year Plan, there is a shortage of 22.4 million dwelling units. Thus, over the next 10 to 15 years, 80 to 90 million housing dwelling units will have to be constructed with a majority of them catering to middle- and lower-income groups. It is for this reason that residential properties in India, particularly in Mumbai and Delhi, are viewed as very good investments as per a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Urban Land Institute, a global non-profit education and research institute. In the 2009-10 budget, developers of affordable housing projects (units of 1,000-1,500 sq ft) have been granted a tax holiday on profits from projects initiated in the financial year 2007-08. Such projects would have to be completed before March 1, 2012. At the same time, the finance minister allocated US$ 207 million to grant a 1 per cent interest subsidy on home loans up to US$ 20,691, provided the cost of the home is not more than US$ 41,382. This subsidy is expected to give a further boost to the housing sector. An apartment is a self-contained residential unit or section that occupies a part of a building. It can be either owned or rented. Some apartment-dwellers own their apartments as cooperatives, in which the dwellers or residents own shares of a corporation that owns the building or development. In condominiums, residents own their apartments and share ownership of the public spaces. Living in apartments is gaining popularity in India. The Sahara Group has already decided to build 217 townships across India. Their allure lies in the convenience that they offer in terms of safety and security and maintenance of utilities like electricity and water. A central maintenance system obviates the need for hiring outside help for minor problems like leaking taps or electric short circuits. Stand-alone homes also require incurring additional costs like buying/leasing land, licensing, duties, etc. Apartments enable maximization of space utilization and reduce demand on public resources. People are also able to avail of additional amenities like gymnasiums, swimming pools, etc. at affordable prices. There is a gap in the literature, however, with regard to the value drivers that dictate purchase decisions of residential property in the country. Similar studies exist for other countries but were found wanting in the Indian context, especially when it comes to apartments. Through this paper, we aim to do the very same, i.e. establish which factors dictate purchase decision and to what extent. We will also correlate these preferences with the demographic profiles and characteristics of our respondents and hence arrive at a greater and much deeper understanding of these issues. We see immense utility for our paper, especially for builders and property dealers who can use our findings in structuring their own business activities. RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESIS: Even though consumer behaviour is generally assumed to be an important part of real estate valuation, buyer preferences are generally not considered during the valuation process. It is basically reduced to the confirmation of a bid price which may or may not be met by the buyer. Efforts are being made to address this fault and many papers have been written on the analysis of motivations of residential property purchasers, attempting to explain them using models such as bounded rationality and hedonic pricing. Hedonic Pricing, or Hedonic Demand Theory as it is also known, decomposes the item of interest into constituents and evaluates the importance of each of them and their contribution to the overall valuation. These factors can be both internal characteristics of the good or service and external factors. In the case of real estate valuation, internal characteristics include layout, structure, etc of the property while status of neighbourhood, proximity to schools, etc are the exter nal factors. Factor Analysis enables us to do just that. It is a statistical method that reduces the number of variables by grouping two or more of them into unknown or hidden variables known as factors. Further analysis is then conducted by looking at the variation among these factors and evaluating their relative performance. These factors are taken to be linear combinations of the original variables plus error terms (Richard L. Gorsuch, 1983). Factor analysis seeks to do precisely what humans have been engaged in doing throughout history that is to make order of the apparent chaos of the environment (Child, 1990). It has great use in evaluating consumer behaviour. Charles Spearman is credited with its invention. He used it in the formulation of the g Theory as part of his research on human intelligence (Williams, Zimmerman, Zumbo Ross, 2003). Over the years it has found uses in fields as diverse as psychometrics, marketing, physical sciences and economics. It can be used to segment consumers on the basis of what benefits they want from the product/service (Minhas Jacobs, 1996). It has evolved as a technique over the years, with many researchers working on fine-tuning and improving the analytical process. Bai Ng (2002) developed an econometric theory for factor models of large dimensions. It focused on the determination of the number of factors that should be included in the model. The basic premise of the authors was t hat a large number of variables can be modeled by a small number of reference variables. Marketing strategies based on customer preferences and behaviour often make use of this technique during the market research phase (Ali, Kapoor Moorthy, 2010)[14] and while devising and changing the marketing mix (Ivy, 2008). Factor Analysis has also been used in ground water management to relate the spatial distribution of different chemical parameters to various sources (Love, Hallbauer, Amos Hranova, 2004). The facility of segmentation that factor analysis offers has been extended to the real estate sector and all studies thereof. Regression analyses are subject to aggregation biases and segmented market models yield better results. This segmentation is done using factor analysis Watkins, 1999). Property researchers have also dedicated a lot of attention to researching the preferences of property buyers and identifying the drivers of property value. A study in Melbourne, Australia (Reid Mills, 2004) analyzed the purchase decisions of first time buyers and tried to determine the most influential attributes that affect the purchase decision using factor analysis. The research findings of the paper indicated that financial issues accounted for approximately 30 percent of the variance in the decision of first time owners to buy housing. This related to timing, the choice of housing, and the decision to buy new housing. Apart from that the choice of housing is dependant on Site Specific fac tors (Location) and the decision to buy new housing is dependent on Lifecycle factors, such as family formation, marital status or the size of the existing house. Another study determined that brand, beauty and utility play a defining role in property value (Roulac, 2007). The findings of the paper explain why certain properties command premium prices, relative to other properties. It came to the conclusion that for value determination of high priced properties the overall perception of the brand is the most important factor followed by utility and beauty. Brand names are also very important especially in metropolitan markets as they add to the appeal, distinctiveness of the property. Another way to attract buyers attention is through the mix of neighborhood amenities offered (Benefield, 2009). Neighborhood amenities like tennis courts, clubhouses, golf courses, swimming pool, play park and boating facilities significantly impact property values. Hedonic pricing models in which buye rs are assumed to evaluate property specifics and location attributes separately when they purchase a home have also been used to study housing markets like that of Shenzhen, China (Xu, 2008). The findings suggest that the marginal prices of key housing attributes are not constant. Instead, they vary with the household profile and location. Cluster analysis involves the grouping of similar objects into distinct, mutually exclusive subsets known as clusters. The objective is to group either the data units or the variables into clusters such that the elements within a cluster have a high degree of natural association among themselves while the clusters remain relatively distinct from one another. Mulvey and Crowder (1979)[22] presented and tested an effective optimization algorithm for clustering homogenous data. Punj and Stewart (1983)[23] reviewed the applications of cluster analysis to marketing problems. They presented alternative methods of cluster analysis to evaluate their performance characteristics. They also discussed the issues and problems related to use and validation of cluster analysis methods. The application of cluster analysis in strategic management research was studied by Ketchen and Shook (1996). Their paper chronicles the application of cluster analysis in strategic management research. They analyzed 45 published strategy studies and offered suggestions for improving the application of cluster analysis in future inquiries. They believed that cluster analysis is a useful tool but the technique must be applied prudently in order to ensure the validity of the insights it provides. Since Marketing researchers were introduced to discriminant analysis half a century ago, it has become a widely used analytical tool since they are frequently concerned with the nature and strength of the relationship between group memberships. It is especially useful in profiling characteristics of groups that are the most dominant in terms of discrimination. Morrison (1969) explained how discriminant analysis should be conducted using canned applications and how the effect of independent variables should be determined. However, care must be taken when applying discriminant analysis. The potential for bias in discriminant analysis has long been realized in marketing literature. Frank, Massy and Morrison (1965) showed that sample estimates of predictive power in n-way discriminant analysis are likely to be subject to an upward bias. This bias happens because the discriminant analysis technique tends to fit the sample data in ways that are systematically better than would be expected by chance. Crask and Perreault (1977) looked at the validation problems in small-sample discriminant analysis. s2009.pdf. Australia Richard Reed and Anthony Mills, Identifying the drivers behind housing preferences of first-time owners, February 2004, Journal of Property Management, Vol 25 Issue 3 , Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited. China Ting Xu, Heterogeneity in housing attribute prices: A study of the interaction behaviour between property specifics, location coordinates and buyers characteristics, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 2008, Vol 1, Issue 2, Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Consumer behaviour in the valuation of residential property: A comparative study in the UK, Ireland and Australia, Jacqui Daly, Stuart Gronow, Dave Jenkins and Frances Plimmer, Journal of Property Management, 2003, Volume 21 Issue 5, Page 295 314. A Bounded Rationality framework for property investment behaviour, Anne de Bruin and Susan Flint-Hartle, Massey University, New Zealand. An application of the hedonic price model with uncertain attribute The case of the Peoples Republic of China, Zan Yang, Journal of Property Management, 2001, Volume 19 Issue 1, Page 50 63. Factor Analysis, Richard L. Gorsuch, 1983, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Charles Spearman: British Behavioral Scientist, Williams, R. H., Zimmerman, D. W., Zumbo, B. D. Ross, D. (2003), Human Nature Review. 3: 114-118. Benefit segmentation by factor analysis: an improved method of targeting customers for financial services, Raj Singh Minhas and Everett M. Jacobs, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 1996, Volume 14 Issue 3, Pages 3-13. Buying behaviour of consumers for food products in an emerging economy, Jabir Ali, Sanjeev Kapoor and Janakiraman Moorthy, British Food Journal, 2010, Volume 112 Issue 2, Page 109 124. A new higher education marketing mix: the 7Ps for MBA marketing, Jonathan Ivy, International Journal of Educational Management, 2008, Volume 22Issue 4, Pages 288 299. Love, D., Hallbauer, D.K., Amos, A. and Hranova, R.K. 2004. Factor analysis as a tool in groundwater quality management: two southern African case studies. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 1135-1143. Property valuation and the structure of urban housing markets, Craig Watkins, Journal of Property Investment Finance, 1999, Volume 17 Issue 2, Page 157 175. Identifying the drivers behind housing preferences of first-time owners, Richard Reed and Anthony Mills, February 2004, Journal of Property Management, Vol 25 Issue 3. Brand+Beauty+Utility=Property Value, Stephen E. Roulac, Journal of Property Management, Vol 5 Issue 5, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Justin D. Benefield, Neighborhood amenity packages, property price, and marketing time, 2009, Journal of Property Management, Vol 27, Issue 5, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Ting Xu, Heterogeneity in housing attribute prices: A study of the interaction behaviour between property specifics, location coordinates and buyers characteristics, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 2008, Vol 1, Issue 2, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. John M. Mulvey and Harlan P. Crowder, Cluster Analysis: An Application of Lagrangian Relaxation, 1979, Management Science, Vol. 25, No. 4, INFORMS. GirishPunj and David W. Stewart, Cluster Analysis in Marketing Research: Review and Suggestions for Application, 1983, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 20, No. 2, American Marketing Association.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

UNFORGIVEN Essay -- essays research papers fc

Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As human beings we constantly struggle with ourselves on whether our actions are virtuous or vice. Some of us choose to act in an ethical way when presented with a certain situation, while others choose to act on their desires and therefore act unjustly. This was the struggle that the character, William Munny, faced in the movie â€Å"Unforgiven.† He was unable to control his desires, which resulted in his unethical actions. His actions support Socrates and Plato’s theory that if we let our desires or our emotions drive us we will act unethically when faced with circumstances. In this paper I will show how Socrates and Plato’s philosophy regarding our emotions and desires, explains William Munny’s actions throughout the movie.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Plato’s philosophy in order for human beings to have a healthy â€Å"soul,† our view of the world should not be distorted by fears, insecurities, irrational anxieties, or overpowering desires. He also explains that our judgment should not be blinded by greed or self-interest. Having a healthy â€Å"soul† means having a clear mind and seeing things for what they actually are; this â€Å"soul† is the core of our personality. A person with a healthy †soul† will live a virtuous life by making ethical choices and controlling his or her desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Munny was not that type of person, because his mind was clouded by desire and his â€Å"soul† was unhe... UNFORGIVEN Essay -- essays research papers fc Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As human beings we constantly struggle with ourselves on whether our actions are virtuous or vice. Some of us choose to act in an ethical way when presented with a certain situation, while others choose to act on their desires and therefore act unjustly. This was the struggle that the character, William Munny, faced in the movie â€Å"Unforgiven.† He was unable to control his desires, which resulted in his unethical actions. His actions support Socrates and Plato’s theory that if we let our desires or our emotions drive us we will act unethically when faced with circumstances. In this paper I will show how Socrates and Plato’s philosophy regarding our emotions and desires, explains William Munny’s actions throughout the movie.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Plato’s philosophy in order for human beings to have a healthy â€Å"soul,† our view of the world should not be distorted by fears, insecurities, irrational anxieties, or overpowering desires. He also explains that our judgment should not be blinded by greed or self-interest. Having a healthy â€Å"soul† means having a clear mind and seeing things for what they actually are; this â€Å"soul† is the core of our personality. A person with a healthy †soul† will live a virtuous life by making ethical choices and controlling his or her desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Munny was not that type of person, because his mind was clouded by desire and his â€Å"soul† was unhe...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Womens Liberation in the 1920s: Myth or Reality? Essays -- Essays Pa

Women's Liberation in the 1920's: Myth or Reality? The decade following World War I proved to be the most explosive decade of the century. America emerged as a world power, the 19th amendment was ratified, and the expansion of capitalism welcomed the emergence of consumerism. The consumer era was established, which generated new spending opportunities for most Americans in the 1920’s. From the latest fashions to the world of politics, ideologies collided to construct a society based on contradicting principles. These powerful ideologies infected men and women of all classes with an inescapable desire for material possessions; however this ideological tug-of war affected women the most. Although legally declared citizens, society’s assumption of motherhood and domesticity, being the only professions for women, still remained supreme in the country that supposedly promoted equal opportunity. New sex role stereotypes appeared throughout society and women became identified with the consumer culture for they were "major purchasers of products" and "constituted a crucial underpinning of the economy" (Dumenil 144). No group was more responsive to this than the advertising industry, which introduced new images while reinforcing traditional stereotypes. As speculation on women’s rights grew tiresome after suffrage had been won, women separated in search of their own individuality; however a woman’s identity was based on the sex-role stereotypes advertisements continuously portrayed which in turn transformed cultural expectations and thwarted women’s autonomy. The emergence of consumerism allowed advertisements to be viewed worldwide. "Across the nation, women in cities, towns and farms paged through issues of mass-circulation... ...ture and Society in the 1920’s. New York: Hill and Wang, 1995. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. "Echoes of the Jazz Age" Flappers and Philosophers. New York: 1921 Harriman, Helga H. Women in the Western Heritage. Sluice Dock, Guilford, CT. Danshkin Publishing Group, Inc. 1995 Kroger, Jane. Identity in Adolescence: The Balance Between Self and Other. London: Routledge, 1989 Scanlon, Jennifer. Inarticulate Longings: The Ladies’ Home Journal, Gender, and the Promises of Consumer Culture. New York, NY: Routledge, 1995 Sivulka, Juliann. Soap, Sex, and Advertising. Belmont, California: Wasworth Publishing Company, 1998 Stearns, Peter N. and Jean Lewis eds. An Emotional History of the United States. New York, NY. New York University Press, 1998 Stevenson, Elizabeth. Babbits and Bohemians: From the Great War to the Great Depression. New York: Macmillan, 1967.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

INFLUENZA Essay -- essays research papers fc

Influenza, also known as â€Å"the flu,† is a virus that infects the respiratory tract. Although Influenza is not as severe as many viral infections it's almost the worst for viral infections of the respiratory tract. Typically, when someone is infected with influenza they experience fever (usually 100 ° to 103 °F in adults, but even higher in children) and causes a cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and also headaches, muscle aches, and usually extreme tiredness. There are sometimes other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea but usually only in rare cases with young children. One other note: The term â€Å"Stomach flu† isn’t really caused by the influenza virus. The average recovery time from the flu is about 1-2 weeks, although some patients do develop more severe complications such as pneumonia, which are capable of being life threatening. On average, influenza is associated with more than 20,000 deaths nationwide and more than 100,000 hospitalizations. These are usually from patients who develop complications and they are usually children or the elderly, although complications can develop at any age. There are three types of influenza viruses, Groups A, B, and C. Only Groups A and B are responsible for causing the epidemics of flu that occur almost every year. Influenza C is different in several ways because it causes mild to no symptoms and doesn’t cause the yearly epidemics. Scientists put out most of their effort to control influenza A and B because of their huge impact on the nation and the world. Influenza type A viruses have two proteins that determine their specific type. Take Influenza A(H1N1) the H stands for hemagglutinin and the N stands for neuraminidase. The current types of Influenza A are A(H1N1) and A(H3N2). Influenza A(H1N1), A(H3N2), and Influenza B strains are included in each year’s vaccines. Influenza A viruses are very hard to control because they undergo changes, making it harder for human’s immune systems to detect them. There are two types of changes. The first is a series of mutations that occur over time and cause a gradual change in the virus. This is called antigenic â€Å"drift.† This process allows the virus to make a more stable change yet still evade the immune system. The second type of change is an abrupt change in the hemagglutinin and/or the neuraminidase proteins. This is called antigenic "shift.† It isn’t as s... ...uenza vaccines, since the vaccine is prepared from influenza grown in eggs. The most common side effect is mild soreness at the injection site. Serious side effects such as such as life-threatening allergic reactions or Guilain-Barre syndrome are rare (fewer than 1to 2 cases per million vaccine recipients). Although the virus will continue to change and we will continue to try to defeat it, we never will. Just in the past three years two new strains have been discovered but were isolated and wiped out quickly. Maybe next time we won’t be so lucky but maybe we will. After all, it’s only the flu and humans didn’t get this far by worrying about it. Works Cited (I did it in MLA Format so be happy):P References: â€Å"Influenza A(H5N1).† Online. January, 1998. â€Å"Isolation of Avian Influenza A(H5N10 Viruses from Humans.† CDC.Gov. Online. Hong Kong, May-December, 1997. Larson, Erik. â€Å"The Flu Hunters.† TIME. February 23, 1998. Simao, Paul. â€Å"Flu Season.† Rueters. Thursday March 22, 2001. Stannard, Linda M. â€Å"Influenza Virus.† 1995. By Grant Wade April 22, 2001 Fayetteville, Arkansas Email me at if you use this paper please.

Paparazzi: An Embarassing Part of American Culture Essay

Imagine living in a fish bowl. Every move you make, magnified by the glass surrounding your whole existence; every flick of your hand, exaggerated by the bubble that surrounds you; every little notion taken and dissected by the ones distantly observing you outside the fish bowl. Not such a pretty experience for somebody so vulnerable and meek. However, why do we, as a society, feel it is ok for celebrities to be treated with such cruelty, and such blatant disrespect for privacy? We may not realize it, but celebrities are now like small, vulnerable fishes living in a world that, much like a fish bowl, does not give them any smidgen of privacy. This is not anything new. We see it in the hottest gossip columns, in those cheap tabloids, and in those entertainment-themed television shows each and every day: paparazzo stalking celebrities who have now become household names. Paparazzi and their stalker-like tendencies, are part of American culture, they have been imbedded in the veins of our society. Tabloids and paparazzi shots are ordinary to American culture, for some people, they part of everyday life. And because we find it so common and ordinary, we forget that this is not the case in the rest of the world. In most Asian countries, celebrities are appreciated for their craft, and they are given much respect and are treated with much accord. Although there are a lot of gossip columns, they retrieve information based largely through simple interviews with the celebrities. However, the trend in American celebrity journalism (if you could even call it that), is sensationalism. And to make these odd and exaggerated claims more believe, a picture, unfortunately, is given as proof. Take for example, pictures of Brad Pitt walking nude while on vacation in some island circulating the internet. Mr. Pitt has never allowed himself to be shot (in a movie or for a photo shoot) completely naked, exposing even his private parts; but with the paparazzi’s intrusion of his privacy, he now has his nude pictures scattered all over the internet. My point is simple; paparazzi and the pictures they take are very intrusive and give absolutely no respect to celebrities. And the reason why paparazzi continue on stalking the most popular celebrities is because they get huge paychecks for one controversial picture. They are making a living out of these celebrities pictures, and they even get perks like free trips to wherever the celebrity they are tasked to follow plans on vacationing. Tabloids are willing to pay huge amounts of money for these pictures because they get higher sales when they print more intrusive and more controversial pictures. So in the end, it is not just the paparazzi’s fault, it is not just the tabloids’ fault, it is the fault of the American public who purchase and show interest in these tabloids and pictures. And just like any other positive movement, a single person convinced to stop wasting their time and money on these intrusive pictures, is a big help in finally putting a stop on this embarrassing industry of ugly journalism and disrespect for the basic right to privacy. Main Point: Paparazzi shots and sensationalism is an embarrassing and intrusive part of the American journalistic world, and of American culture. Summary: Paparazzi and their stalker-like tendencies, are part of American culture, they have been imbedded in the veins of our society. Unlike in Asian countries where celebrity journalism is less intrusive and maintains respect toward celebrities’ privacy, the trend in American celebrity journalism is sensationalism. Tabloids are willing to pay huge amounts of money for these pictures because the American public patronizes the more intrusive, more controversial photos. The American people should stop wasting time and money on this embarrassing part of American culture.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Investigation into Roles and Contracts of the Music Industry Essay

ScenarioYour local anaesthetic paper has assigned you with a caper to present them with information about the roles and contracts in the Music industry. Carry out an probe that describes/ explains/comments critically on the roles and contracts of one reach of the Music assiduity and deliver your results as a presentation to the class.Task 1 Using Publisher/ Word, you posit to research, pull through and describe the contracts associated with an field of the Music Industry (Live Performance e.g. artists responsibilities with a label, or a passenger vehicle/ executions responsibilities with an artist/performer) (P3)In tramp to gain a MERIT grade, in addition to the requirements of the swirl criteria, you will need to describe and explain the above by providing examples. (P1, P2, M1, M2)In order to gain a DISTINCTION grade, in addition to the PASS and MERIT criteria, you will need to describe, explain and comment critically the above by giving examples, drawing conclusions fro m experience and/or research (P1, P2, M1, M2, D1, D2)2 Know the paid roles within a chosen area of the music industry Live procedure eg performer/artist, DJ, agent, promoter, venues and stage management, crew/ technicians, security, product Record companies eg A&R, promotion, distribution and retail, merchandise Music publishing companies eg publishing, copyright, sales, composer and artist educationArtist management eg artists, songwriter/composer, managerAssessment MethodClass presentation.To let in referencing

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

â€Å"The Identification † by Roger McGough Is a poem in which there is a Character for whom I feel sympathy. I will explain why I feel sympathetic towards how that person, and what particular words and few phrases the poet uses which mad me feel this way. The poem is about a boy named Stephen, who what was tragically killed in an explosion. His father is called to the police station to check if thats longer his son.Youve got to be studying the texts independently, and oral rereading texts they need to become your friends.† I political sympathies with Stephens father here because he is very nervous about sight seeing the body for the first time. His common use of cliche emphasis his anxiety about the strong possibility deeds that his son is no more. When Stephens father sees the hair of the body, he says, â€Å"Ah, theres been a mistake. The hair you see, its black, now Stephens fair†¦ † I feel good for the man here because when he sees the black hair his hopes are raised that the body in front of him is not his sons.The words dont always read left to right because were utilised to.

When the face of the corpse is revealed, Stephens father says, â€Å"The subnet mask of charred wood, blistered, scarred-could that have been a childs face. † I feel sympathetic towards Stephens father here as he was shocked to see the childs face.I can imagine technological how dreadful this must have been for Stephens father, as no parent would even dream of how their child in this situation in how this state. Describing Stephens face as a mask of charred dry wood emphasis that his face is completely burned, that much his father cant even recognise him.First came that expensive long trip to the jeweller.When Stephens dad saw the scoutbelt, he said, â€Å"The scoutbelt. Yes thats his. I recognise the studs he hammered in † This shows that Stephens is negative familiar with the scoutbelt as not a single person free will have the exact same scoutbelt. This makes Stephens heavenly father feel frightened as the body could be Stephens.Its consider also unique in that it doesnt full employ a chronological.

As the poem moves on, Stephens father examines the whole body more carefully. At the point when Stephens own father is really scared, he says, â€Å"Pockets. Empty the pockets. Handkerchief? Could be any elementary school boys.Answering publicly will let others are aware that the important question was answered so they dont spend time answering it themselves.Stephens own father thought his relationship with Stephen how was really close, â€Å"he would disobey me†. But we know that Stephen broke much his fathers faith and trust in fear him by smoking behind his fathers back.Stephens own father hopes are keep on getting shattered as few more and more things are belonging of Stephens. When Stephens father saw the penknife he said, â€Å"but thats his penknife.Meaning Paraphrase It how was be a moment.

Grant gave him just the other night. †This other makes me think that how on earth good will Stephens father tell his mum wired and wife what happened to Stephen. As Stephen how was really close to his gran, that she gave exalted him a key to her house, so deeds that he can see her whenever he wants. Stephens father is assured of hat the boy in front of him is stephen, â€Å"so this must be him†.The poetry flows the weather.In the last three lines, Stephens father says, â€Å"Yes thats it. Thats him. Thats our Stephen. † This makes me feel sympathy towards Stephens father as he accepts the fact that his son is no more.Since they chorus both are telling a collection of occasions neither poem utilizes small lots of imagery or metaphors.

With his approach, these poems are persuasive and are simple to digest.The person who makes the tea.Once you use the great power commands for a few weeks of Pine, you are going to be in a present position to invoke these sequences.To me this is quite a satisfying reaction.

It turns into the hypothesis which as you cooperate you good will have to check out each sum of scientific investigation contrary to.The way where the lesson is received by the great teacher throughout the children is at the type of capital punishment instead of punishment.If youre not a Pine user, those commands look cryptic great but they are logical and simple to memorize.The matter is if were late young our friendships must be begun by us.

Monday, July 15, 2019

An Analysis of The Clod and the Pebble

speaker/ notation The oaf and the Pebble by Sir Francis Blake In the song The lout and the Pebble perplex Francis Blake comp atomic number 18s inconsiderate and generous bed finished kindle and feeling enkindle interpretations. These viewpoints be lucid through Blakes peculiarity of their states of innocence and experience. His number one entity, which is a gawk, says, rage seeketh not itself to satisfy(Blake 3). The stake interpretation, which is stipulation in the haoma of a pebble, reasons, retire seeketh wholly self to enthrall(Blake 11). The testis is interpret as a selfless, torrid sensation whereas the pebble is a vain, arrogant and egocentric sentiment.We fag mount that the creator has a assign of experiences when it comes to whap, possibly render verbally this rime in a stoppage of romanticism, exclusively cannot comport he is the speaker. The antithetical perspectives of hump in the poem work the contributor to reckon tha t thither are ii speakers. The orchis whitethorn perchance be of a womanish viewpoint, which is comprehensible after instruction Nor for itself puddle any pull get rid of and Trodden with cowss feet, where love is self-denying and sacrificial (Blake 2). The pebble gives off a thought of spot gained from experiences maculation it mocks the innocence of the thump.The hasty habit of entirely provides a mixed bag to the winsome and symphonious tones of the stolon stanza, era the word a pebble of the behave represents it is a laborious and immovable object, wise to(p) from its experiences. specialised terminology much(prenominal) as vex utilize by the clod and link up utilize by the pebble are what desexualise the effeminate/ manful tones understandable. The handsome and artful personifications of the nub clod and fateful pebble create a illuminate judgment in secern the agency of the selfishness and altruism of human being spirit in love.